Top 6 Causes of Vehicle Accidents & How to Prevent Them
Traffic safety is a major concern for all of drivers as a large number of car accidents happen every year in America. While some accidents are relatively minor, others are devastating or fatal. As we close in on the colder, snowier, and icier Kansas City weather, it’s important to know what’s happening around you when driving and to be aware of the traffic laws and regulations. The causes of car accidents are vast, but we’ve compiled the top six reasons why people crash, as well as a few solutions to prevent them from happening.
1. Distracted Driving

SOLUTION: Pay attention to the road, not what’s happening in the car. If you’re doing anything other than driving while behind the wheel, then you’re doing too much. Nothing is more important than your life or the lives of others. So, put down the phone and invest in a vehicle that has hands-free capabilities to ensure you’re keeping your eyes on the dotted lines, not the emoticons in your group text.
2. Drunk Driving
Drunk driving is one of the biggest causes of vehicular death in the U.S. According to the MADD website, every 2 minutes someone is injured in a drunk driving accident.
- If you’ve been out for a drink, even if you’re a just a little tipsy, then you shouldn’t be behind the wheel of a car. Take a taxi, Lyft or ask a friend to be your designated driver.
- If you’re driving when you know that people have been drinking (New Year’s, past certain times at night, etc.), be vigilant and watch for the tell-tale signs of drunk driving: swerving in and out of lanes, speeding or going abnormally slow, and obsessive braking.
- If you suspect someone of driving drunk, take down their license number and call the police (this applies to anyone under the influence, not just those who have been drinking alcohol). Even if that driver isn’t a direct threat to you, they may be to others.
3. Weather
No matter if it’s rain, snow or ice, wacky weather can play a big part in raising traffic accident incidences. The roads become more slippery, visibility too low, and drivers too oblivious to the changing conditions and immediate dangers presented by inclement weather. In Kansas, for instance, over 5% of all annual accidents were directly caused by poor wintery road conditions.
- If there’s a chance of bad weather, you should try to avoid driving.
- If you’re in the middle of driving and the roads become too treacherous, then pull over and wait until the storm passes.
- Before winter approaches, check your tires for wear that can cause hydroplaning.
- In the case of snow and ice, especially on rural Missouri or Kansas roads, tire chains may be required to keep your vehicle from sliding.
- If your car is covered in snow, be sure to remove all of it before driving (yes, even the snow left on top), as large and frozen sections of snow flying off car roofs can create accidents.
- Observe all safety precautions when driving or preparing to drive in bad weather.
4. Speeding
As quoted by, “in 2015, speeding was a factor in 27 percent of motor vehicle crash deaths.” Pushing the speed limit is a dangerous stunt to pull while driving. Although driving just 5 mph over the speed limit may not seem too terrible, it can lead to dangerous conditions when combined with slower or other aggressive drivers. Plus, the faster the car is going, the less time you’ll have to react to immediate threats—that’s just a fact.
- Follow the speed limits and don’t try to rush when you’re driving. The speed limits are there not as a precaution, but as a law, as they correlate to the type of neighborhood, pedestrian numbers, businesses, and flow of traffic in the area.
- If you’re in a habit of running late, then practice better time management, not racing in a car.
- If you simply have a lead foot, invest in a new vehicle that offers adaptive cruise control—it could very well save your life.
5. Reckless Driving
Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of teenage deaths in the USA. Quite often, this is due to reckless driving, such as texting while behind the wheel, although the experience level of the driver can certainly play a part.
- Don’t be too aggressive on the road. There’s a difference between defensive driving and reckless driving, and too often teenagers fall into the latter category.
- Don’t change lanes too quickly or without using a blinker.
- Don’t speed. If you feel like your driving is raising your adrenaline levels, chances are you belong on the track, not an open road.
- Don’t take corners too quickly.
- Pay attention to the laws and follow them; they’re there for a reason.

6. Running Reds
While it may seem a bit obvious to follow the law and stop at a red light, there are many people who don’t. According to, on average, someone is running a red light every 20 minutes.
Accidents happen though, and when they do, you want a trusted collision center and mechanic to back you up. If you’ve been in a collision around KC, bring your vehicle or have it towed into one of our auto body shops near Kansas City. With collision repair shop locations in Overland Park and Olathe, KS, as well as Blue Springs and Lee’s Summit, MO, we can help get your car sorted after a crash.
- You learned it in preschool: Red means stop, and that’s a law put in place for both traffic flow and driver safety.
- If you’re sitting at a red light that turns green, you have the right of way to proceed. But having the right of way doesn’t mean you’re safe! It’s always a good idea to make sure no one else is coming through the intersection before you go ahead. Remember: Someone runs a red light every 20 minutes—don’t be a victim of that crime.
- Practice defensive driving at all times.
Accidents happen though, and when they do, you want a trusted collision center and mechanic to back you up. If you’ve been in a collision around KC, bring your vehicle or have it towed into one of our auto body shops near Kansas City. With collision repair shop locations in Overland Park and Olathe, KS, as well as Blue Springs and Lee’s Summit, MO, we can help get your car sorted after a crash.